Accessibility Services
The Santa Monica Public Library offers a range of assistive devices to promote universal access to its collections and services.
Assistive Devices
DirectEar. Assistive Listening Devices are available for use at programs held in the Main Library Multipurpose room and Martin Luther King, Jr. Auditorium. These rooms are equipped with a DirectEar Set 250 infrared transmitter that connects directly into the audio output of the microphone system. Please ask the program coordinator to retrieve an Assistive Listening Device for use during the program.
Large Print Keyboard. The Main Library offers a Large Print Keyboard for the online catalog workstation adjacent to the Fiction - Large Print collection on the first floor. The keyboard features keys with labels have been enlarged and enhanced for easier visual recognition. The keyboard is also equipped with an embedded roller trackball mouse with left, right and center (double) click capability. Large print keyboards (without embedded rollerballs) are also available upon request.
Joystick. The Roller Plus Joystick is an adaptable mouse substitute with a joystick. It has six buttons that support left and right click, double click, drag lock, horizontal and vertical lock and cursor speed control.
Magnifying Sheets. 8.5 x 11 inch magnifying sheets can be signed out for use in the Library during the hours that the Library is open.
Optelec Viewer. The Optelec Viewer is a very powerful closed-circuit television magnifying reading system that assists patrons who have low vision by magnifying text, pictures, and other physical items. The Optelec machine magnifies -- without refocusing -- anything placed under it from 2.5 to 65 times its original size.
TTY/TTD Terminal. A TTY/TDD equipped public access telephone is available at the Main Library Reference Desk on the second floor, during the hours that the Library is open. A TDD/TTY is an electronic device used by parties with speech or hearing disabilities to text communication via the telephone lines. The TTY/TDD telephone number is (310) 395-8499.
California State Library Services for People with Print Disabilities
In association with the Library of Congress, California Library Services for People with Print Disabilities provides free Braille and audio books, magazines and playback equipment to all eligible Californians unable to read standard print. This link will help you find your local braille and talking book library center and sign up for free library service.
Alternate Formats for Library Programs
Materials in alternate formats such as taped text, Braille, audio-description, as well as captioning for Library programs may be arranged by calling Library Administration at (310) 458-8606 or email at least one week prior to the program.
Sign Language Interpreters
Sign Language Interpreters or translators may be available for Library programs and may be arranged by calling Library Administration at 310/458-8606 at least one week prior to the program. TTY/TDD users may call (310) 395-8499 or email
Discover notable books highlighting the history of and work of people with disabilities.
Accessibility Web Resources
Note: The links below will direct you to external (non-library) websites.
Microsoft Accessibility
Google Accessibility
Apple Accessibility
Job Accommodation Network – Searchable Online Accommodation Resource (SOAR) system
JAN's Searchable Online Accommodation Resource (SOAR) system is designed to let users explore various accommodation options for people with disabilities
Web Pages Accessibility Policy
City of Santa Monica web pages designed on or after January 1, 2003, shall be in compliance with accessibility standards for electronic and information technology covered by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 as issued by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board December 20, 2000 (36 CFG Part 1194).