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  • Citywide Reads 2007


    Time Traveler's Wife Book Cover


     "First novels are often said to be thinly disguised autobiography. This one uses my places and things I know something about (libraries, paper making) but, alas, this is not my life, and these characters are not me." -- Audrey Niffenegger

    The Time Traveler’s Wife is the unconventional and original story of librarian Henry DeTamble and artist Clare Abshire. Henry suffers from “Chrono-Displacement Disorder,” a condition that causes him to involuntarily travel through time. Clare first meets Henry when she is six years old and he is 36. Henry first meets Clare when she is 20 and he is 28. Henry and Clare attempt to cobble together a normal life while coping with Henry’s random and sometimes dangerous disappearances. Their story is told from both Clare and Henry’s perspectives and the reader follows them both in the present time, as well as the past when Henry travels back to Clare’s childhood.

    Click here for our The Time Traveler's Wife resource guide (PDF).

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    An artist and writer, Audrey Niffenegger is the author of the word-of-mouth hit turned publishing-sensation, The Time Traveler's Wife, inspired in part by the relationship of her grandparents, Elizabeth and Norbert, to whom the novel is dedicated. Niffenegger is also the author and illustrator of the artist's books The Three Incestuous Sisters and The Adventuress, and in 2009 her second novel Her Fearful Symmetry debuted at the top of many book sales charts.

    Visit her at

     Audrey Niffenegger Author Photo





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